As You Believe: Conquering Impossible

How resilient are you? What I mean to ask is this: What do you do when everything around you crashes and all seems lost.

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

Many of us have come to this turning point. Many of us have thought about giving up no matter how positive we say we are. Here's a pearl. Don't waste or throw away this chance to find out who you are when the bough breaks.

“A ship is always safe at the shore – but that is NOT what it is built for.”

Whether in business or life things happen and when the outcome is something drastic the fight or flight instinct wakes up. It's easy to say what you would do but talk is cheap. The truth of who we are my friends is found when everything is riding on your shoulders and the outcome is bleak and uncertain.

Who are you at the point of losing it all?

Do you quit and crawl in a hole so that at least you feel safe and protected? Here's another pearl: Get out of your feelings. The worst thing you can do in the darkest of days is let your mind wonder the what if's and what people might think of you. Remember this, people will hate you because you're rich or because you're poor so stop wandering what people are going to think. Those who succeed in their endeavors of greatness have this in common: a very decisive and lazer focused mindset. A mindset that doesn't cater to the standards and limits of others. And a spirit that can not and will not be contained under ANY circumstances.

“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”

There have been many studies on the power of belief as well as many facinating books. A couple studies to look into are Dr. Emoto Water Experiment and the Observer Effect.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

The fact is those with great success many times are the result of something very dramatic. The outcome has always been determined by their mindset. Some people may call this pseudo science and dismiss the magnitude of the power of this internal force to fantasy.

"It is better to believe than to disbelieve; in so doing you bring everything to the realm of possibility"

Dreamers build rockets that take us into space. Dreamers built the smartphone, tablet, or pc you are using at this very moment. Dreamers give us a more beautiful world with unlimited possibilities. And critics give us shallow opinions with stale ideas.

The way I see it is the real YOU is made aware of what life is and the fact that you are driving this experience when you experience something dramatic. When you figure out that you will determine the ultimate outcome you begin to use this latent power within us all. This power is called many things: mind and spirit are the most common but let's not get caught up in semantics.

If you are going through a trying experience I sympathize with you but I am happy to tell you that your experience is going to produce a character that money cant buy. Keep on pushing until you have spent yourself dry... And then find that power within you and keep pushing harder and stronger than ever before.

“Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.”

All quotes are from a member of my round table, Albert Einstein.

David Azua


  1. I love this blog David. You offer such inspiring words and I am happy to have witnessed the transformation of your own character in so many ways. Keep reaching and going for the gold, you are going to come out amazing....not like you already arent ;)


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