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Critics and Haters: A Quick Lesson on Handling Criticism

So how do you hold up when others criticize you and/or your ideas? Well... most get defensive or shut down. Some even let this conflict of opinion deter them from their goals. Few turn this into fuel for motivation. Let's take a lesson from Ferruccio Lamborghini and see how he took criticism and turned it into positive energy.  In 1968 Mr. Lamborghini bought a Ferrari after the success of his business of re-purposing military machines into tractors. (Note the go-getter attitude where he saw a need for agriculture equipment and found a resource that most others didn't see.) After purchasing the Ferrari he noticed some problems: The clutch needed to be replaced often and the car was too noisy for Mr. Lamborghini's taste. So he took his concern to the top and told Enzo Ferrari about ways to remedy this problem. When Ferrari asked Lamborghini what he did for a living he replied, " I build tractors". That is when Ferrari told him in so many words to "Sti

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