Freedom: What it Means to Me
I wanted to share a thought today, The 4th of
July of 2017, and hopefully inspire others to take advantage of this land of
freedom we live in.
Whether you realize it or not you are living in one of the
most amazing times in the existence of the human being. We have at our fingertips the access to what
someone 100 years ago would call impossible capabilities, and what others would
even call magic. I’ll ask you at this moment to tell me who was Albertus Magnus
and in a few clicks you will have unprecedented access to this amazing yet
hidden person in history.
Does this post have anything to do with Catholicism or
Albertus Magnus… hardly.
What we have access to today is a tool to information at an
unimaginable scale. This is a great chance for many, yet a horrible gift to
those who cannot discern that in much of the chaos of information lies the
truth of many subjects.
What I would like to talk about is the freedom of thought
and the ability to respect and not judge others views. As the ability to listen
becomes such a scares commodity we find ourselves not listening and waiting to
“share” our unfounded interpretation of what we hear.
“Democrats are communists and Republicans are racists.”
The noise is overwhelming.
As a proud American and Texan I for one cannot stand to hear
these things. But I do understand that we live in a free country and EVERYONE
is entitled to their opinion. Though we should all think about what we are
saying before we have a reply. We should truly listen to those whom we speak
with before we shoot down the philosophy they subscribe to. We should have more
respect for those around us is the bottom line.
As we live in this amazing and free country we should all
celebrate our freedom together including our freedom to believe different.
If all businessmen and women believed the same thing we
would not have the great capitalist society we live in which allows everyone to
plow their own field of diamonds.
When I hear the words “Let Freedom Ring” they mean more then
my physical freedom for which I am so grateful. It means freedom to be
different in every way possible.
I will end this post with a favorite quote of mine from
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you
are not allowed to criticize"
I thank God for not living in a country where we have this
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